Dicamba Information

South Dakota Dicamba Use on Soybeans

AnchorThe EPA has approved labels for over-the-top dicamba applications (XtendiMax, Engenia and Tavium herbicides) for 2023 in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota.
The revised labeling prevents the use of dicamba application on dicamba tolerant crops after June 20, earlier in the growing season, to lessen the potential for dicamba to volatilize and drift off site. Dicamba is a herbicide sprayed over-the-top of genetically engineered soybeans tolerant to the active ingredient in dicamba to control certain types of broadleaf weeds.
Dicamba products are an important tool our farmers need to protect their crops, said DANR Secretary Hunter Roberts. The proposed change allows for their continued use while minimizing the risk of damage caused by off target movement of dicamba products.

Pesticide dealers and applicators in South Dakota must be licensed and must follow product label instructions including application timing restrictions. 

Growers and applicators are also required to check online versions of the label within 7 days before application in case there are any newly applied state or federal updates, as well as complete the pre-season training.  For more information on the labels, as well as available training, check out the SD DANR Dicamba website.


With the spring season coming up and plans being made for weed management and associated training requirements, please familiarize yourself with the training and label information of over-the-top (OTT) labeled dicamba products. 

Users of OTT dicamba are required to receive training in order to use these products and these training sessions will be starting soon. Product stewardship and label compliance is important with any pesticide, and the future availability of this technology depends on strong stewardship (and cooperative weather).

For More Dicamba Information:

Engenia EPA Reg. No.: 7969-345
XtendiMax EPA Reg. No.: 264-1210
Tavium EPA Reg. No. : 100-1623

Other Resources

2019 Dicamba Precautions -  UI Purdue OSU
Guide for Keeping Weather Records - NDSU Extension Service
Inversion Guidance 2017 - NDSU Extension Service
MPH and PSI Application Guide-20 inch Nozzle Spacing  - Prepared by:Robert E Wolf, November 2017
IFCA Dicamba Best Management Practices-November 2017
South Dakota Department of Ag & Natural Resources Recordkeeping